Vaša košarica je prazna!
Značilnost Wind ali Feng gongov je hitrejši odziv ob udarcu. Lahko je nežen in lahko eksploziven. Odzove se hitro in s seboj prinese bogato zmes frekvenc in krajši odzven. Ta gong je popolnoma ploščat, brez roba. Na voljo so velikosti od 6 do 60 inčev.
ENG: Sometimes referred to as a “wind gong”, the Feng has a constantly evolving tone, from a gentle murmur to thunderous explosions. Faster attack, explosive full-frequency sound, and a shorter duration differentiate the Feng gong from the Chau gong. The gong is flat, has no lip and is fully lathed on both sides, contributing to its distinctive look. Available from 6" to 60"+ each comes with a mallet.